as of 3/27/04
I finished my service in the United States Peace Corps on July 3rd, 2001. Unfortunately, we were only able to collect half of the money necessary to start this farm project. As a result, I decided to donate the money that was generously given by hundreds of people to another project to benefit the Uglich Orphans. With the assistance of Miramed Institute an independent living center was built to help the children develop necessary life skills such as cooking and shopping and professional skills and etiquette which would help the orphans bear the burdens of the "real world" when they graduated from the orphanage at the age of 18.
Thank you for all your donations and support as well as your curiosity and questions about the children at the orphanage. If you would like more information on how you can help further, please do not hesitate to contact me at ericschempp@yahoo.com